What is obesity and what causes it

May, 07: Obesity is a medical condition that occurs when a person carries excess weight or body fat that might affect their health. A doctor will usually suggest that a person has obesity if they have a high body mass index.

Body mass index is a tool that doctors use to assess if a person is at an appropriate weight for their age, sex, and height. The measurement combines height and weight.

A BMI between 25 and 29.9 indicates that a person is carrying excess weight. A BMI of 30 or over suggests that a person may have obesity.

If a person does have obesity and excess weight, this can increase their risk of developing a number of health conditions, including metabolic syndrome, arthritis,and some types of cancer.

Metabolic syndrome involves a collection of issues, such as high blood 0ressure, typr 2 diabetes, and cardiovascular disease.

Maintaining a healthy weight or losing through diet and exercise is one way to prevent or reduce obesity. In some cases, a person may need surgery.

Now read on to find out why obesity happens.

1) Consuming too many calories

When a person consumes more calories than they use as energy, their body will store the extra calories as fat. This can lead to excess weight and obesity.

Also, some types of foods are more likely to lead to weight gain, especially those that are high in fats and sugars.

2) Leading a sedentary lifestyle

Many people lead a much more sedentary lifestyle than their parents and grandparents did.

Examples of sedentary habits include:

working in an office rather than doing manual laborplaying games on a computer instead of doing physical activities outsidegoing to places by car instead of walking or cycling

The less a person moves around, the fewer calories they burn.

3) Not sleeping enough

Research has suggested that missing sleep increases the risk of gaining weight and developing obesity.

Researchers reviewed evidence  for over 28,000 children and 15,000 adults in the United Kingdom from 1977 to 2012. In 2012, they concluded that sleep deprivation significantly increased obesity risk in both adults and children.

The changes affected children as young as 5 years of age.

(Medical News today)

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